Cold email template for marketing agencies
We’ve put in brackets for content where you’ll need to add specifics related to the client’s business to make this effective and relevant.
Here are some subject line options:
- These increase FB ad conversion by 300%
- Neil Patel’s trick to increase leads by 400%
- Your clients will love you for this
Hi [First Name],
[Personalization example: I was really impressed by the [client name] case study on your website, and I can see that [agency name] is driving amazing growth for your clients!]
I’d love to show you how you increase leads and sales for your clients while decreasing costs, just by adding Facebook Messenger bots into your campaigns.
I’m not just talking about small improvements either.
When Neil Patel implemented Facebook Messenger bots into his campaigns he saw a 400% increase in leads with conversion rates 3-5x higher than Facebook desktop ads*.
And that wasn’t just because he’s Neil Patel. 50-70% click through rates are pretty standard for chatbot campaigns.
I’m happy to show you how easy it is to integrate chatbots into your existing campaigns and exactly why they generate such incredible results.
Just pick a time that works for you from my calendar: [scheduling link].
Talk soon,
[Your name]
[Your phone or best contact info]