You’re in! Welcome to Bot Academy...
But before you get started, I want to
ask you something:
You're about to get FIVE weeks of group coaching calls, as part of the Bot Academy Course...
But what about after you’ve finished the course?
Lots of Bot Academy students finished their group calls... and they wanted more. When I asked them why, this is what they said:
#1 They wanted to keep hearing about what’s working for other bot builders.
Many students told me they love the group calls because they get to hear about what’s working for real bot makers... regular people like them.
Things like: What’s working to get clients, what’s working to structure retainer deals, what’s working in bot building, and more.
#2 They said they wanted the accountability.
Haven’t you found that you take more action when there’s someone checking in with you? I know I have.
And that’s what Stefanie got out of her group calls. It’s why she wanted to continue the group calls even after finishing the Bot Academy modules:
Bot Academy Insiders.
In Bot Academy Insiders, you’ll get the same great coaching calls every week, for as long as you’re a member.
Here’s how it works:
After your first five weekly calls are finished, you’ll continue your weekly group calls, without interruption...
If you have an issue with chatbots or with your business, you can ask for help. If you’re having a good week, you can volunteer to show the group what’s working for you.
If you miss a meeting, you’ll get a recording of it.
It only costs $37/month to join. (And if you join now, you’ll lock in this price for life.)
And don’t worry, you won’t be billed until after your first five weeks of coaching calls, which are included in the Bot Academy course.
If Bot Academy Insiders doesn’t pay for itself, cancel.
If you cancel in the first 30 days, you’ll get 100% of your money back. If you decide to cancel later on, we’ll make sure you aren’t charged again.
Cool? Cool.
Yes, I want to lock in this special rate for Bot Academy Insiders!
(Note: You won’t be billed until after your first five weeks of group calls, included in the Bot Academy course.)