You’re in! Welcome to Bot Academy Insiders...

But before you get started, I wanted to
ask you something:

Did you only want the group coaching calls…

...or did you really want the whole course?

Because I’ve noticed that some people join Bot Academy Insiders, even though they’re really ideal for the full Bot Academy course.

Because when you upgrade, you’ll be able to:

Because when you upgrade, you’ll be able to:

  • Build a chatbot using every proven tip, strategy, and trick I’ve tested or learned. Bot Academy students get it all.
  • Use my tested systems and tools to help you close high-paying clients. You’ll discover how to charge setup fees, plus retainers, and much more.
  • Write high-converting chatbot scripts that are designed to sell ... even if you hate writing.
  • Get chatbot subscribers quickly, so your clients can see it’s working and closing sales ... leading to long term deals and even referrals.
  • And more!

In a nutshell, you’ll have the complete roadmap for getting your first clients and landing retainer deals that pay you month after month ... for work that’s actually fun to do.

Here’s how it works...

Join now for just $399/month for the next 6 months.

As a full Bot Academy student, you’ll get your five weeks of group coaching calls that are included in Bot Academy.

Then, after the first five weeks, you’ll be in Bot Academy Insiders, uninterrupted. (We won't bill you for Bot Academy Insiders until after the first five weeks of Bot Academy are finished).

Also, you’re protected by the Bot Academy 100% Satisfaction Guarantee...

If you aren’t completely happy with what you see inside Bot Academy, just let me know in the first 14 days after you upgrade, and I’ll refund every penny.

You can even downgrade back to Bot Academy Insiders within 14 days. Totally up to you.

So you’ve got nothing to lose. You can check out Bot Academy for yourself and see what you think.

I’m that confident that you’re going to love Bot Academy.

Upgrade now and get the full bot builder package

No thanks, I’ll stick with the group calls only