Group call 105
With: Amy, Pedro, Mariano, Dan, Robert, Anthony
[11:35] I heard that the best way to start moving forward was to build a bot for a friend. What about doing one for a customer as your first bot?
[13:50] Should we focus on a particular niche right away? Or have a more broad focus?
[17:45] I heard that Facebook was going to cut out broadcast messages?
[20:15] Is there a limit to how many people you have on your subscriber list?I
[22:27] This question is about the news page index, how will people be able to register to send out news-source messaging?
[27:26] With sponsored messages, you can’t really select the time it gets sent, what do you think about that?
[31:40] Does this [facebook’s new 24 hour rules] effect sequences if messages go out over the course of five days?
[34:25] Where can I find a bot building partner to work with?
[35:46] Where do I get help with building sequences?
[36:35] When it comes to hosting the chatbot, do I keep it on my account or the client’s account?
[41:16] Can I reuse parts of my bots for different types of clients?
[45:03] As far as time management, what would you say is the best way to scale? How do you handle 20-30 clients?
[48:24] My customer wants to pay a recurring fee and no start up fee. What is your opinion on that?
[54:07] Any tips on creating a bot for a business that deals in clients selling bitcoin?
[59:10] Do we still need to ask people to subscribe when they come into the bot?
[1:03:10] Is it realistic to invest time in building a bot for a specific niche client and then use it as a template for other customers?
[1:05:56] How do I help clients to be GDP compliant?