Group call 88


With: Stephen, Andrew, Francisco Laura, Carol, Janis

Question timestamps

[5:25] What is the difference between the broadcasts and the sequences? If I build something in broadcast can I move it to sequences?

[8:25] What should I think about when I approach real estate agents?

[15:06] What are the big selling points for bots? Do you focus on people that are already running facebook ads?

[16:08] What are the major selling points for the agents who are already running facebook ads?

[20:55] Do you have a specific list of questions you ask when you’re on a discovery call?

[23:02] How do you guide the conversation of a user going through the bot?

[26:06] Can you submit this [conversation flow chart shown at timestamp 24:45] as a proposal to clients?

[27:15] When people ask ‘How much is a bot?”, do you have pre-made packages or say “it depends?”

[29:10] Where do we find the resources?

[30:10] How to deal with struggling to get through to clients?

[37:50] How often when you first started, do you physically have to go and see your clients? Do you do everything over the phone? Is there an advantage to either approach?

[41:16] How do you divide your time between prospecting and development?

[44:18] Do you have examples on how to create a good case study?

[45:12] If you run a promotion [for a night club] about an upcoming weeks events, would that be considered a promotion in the facebook policy?

[49:19] Where do your [Stephen’s] leads come from these days?

[49:50] Have you used linkedIn to approach these marketing agencies?

[50:55] How are you connected with the marketing agency partners?

[51:40] When getting people to work with you or for you, how do you establish the level of trust where you’re not concerned that they’ll sabotage what you are doing?

[55:59] What is a good lead in or elevator pitch when offering chatbots from an events perspective?

[58:07] Does entertainment fall under the news category?

[59:19] When someone asks you what you do, what do you say if they don’t know what a messenger chatbot is?

[1:07:15] How do you keep up with facebook’s rules?